Posted in Musings and Mutterings

Koziar’s Christmas Village

**Grinch alert**

Back in October, I saw a group tour advertised to go to Koziar’s in early December. The deal was to board a bus and ride for 2.5 hours up to Berk’s county, PA., then tour Koziar’s on your own and ride the bus back. Tickets were $80.00 per person. That’s EIGHTY DOLLARS per person. This fee covered the driver, the bus, gratuities and a tour guide. While they didn’t mention they’d be going anywhere but to Koziar’s, I have a feeling they may have stopped in Lititz to wander the town before the Christmas Village opened. Again, I’m speculating on that part. Still…. EIGHTY DOLLARS!

I was intrigued by this trip. I looked up Koziar’s and read the history and website. I saw that it was rated 2021 Best of the Best by American Bus Association, and “Best Outside Christmas Display in the World” by Display World Magazine and that it had been featured on the “Today” Show. I had visions of lighted paths and dazzling displays (and maybe of sugarplum fairies) dancing in my head, so I boldly put the date on my calendar and informed Hubby that this was a holiday adventure for us.

We decided we’d rather drive up ourselves so we’d have more flexibility with weather and pit stops. Plus the thought of $160.00 before anything else seemed overpriced to me.

Our drive was very nice and quite lovely. Even the industrial smoke that was covering the area in a blanket of unhealthy “purple air” lent itself to a beautiful pallet over the landscape. The pockets of purple-gray haze hanging over the green fields were serene, and our customized holiday playlist played cheerily in our comfy car.

We set out extra early, (I’d started to see reviews saying that traffic had been an issue) with the intent of being at the gates when they opened (4:30 pm). We got to the area about two hours early, and decided to stop in aforementioned Lititz, Pa., for a bit of a wander and a visit to the Wilbur Chocolate Factory store.

In fact, we had so much fun wandering around the festive town, we used up our spare time and then some, so we hustled back to the car to head out the Christmas Village. We were about 35 minutes away and it was 4:45 pm.

That was enough time for the roads to become clogged with cars, resulting in a back-up that had us sitting 1 mile from our destination in practically unmoving traffic for over an hour. I’m not exactly sure WHY the traffic was so bad, because the facility has more than ample parking. We finally made it to the parking lot at 7:00 pm.

Since it was a “prime” day, the entrance fees were $17.00 each. On non-prime days it’s $4.00 less. Not entirely sure why they charge more on a busy day when it’s only lights, but my guess would be the parking staff works longer that day??

So here we are, all hyped up to see this amazing display. We’ve paid our fees and we are in the Village… what now….we wander, of course. The entrance dumps you in an area where there’s a train display, a viewing area of the lake and restrooms. The lake has some nice light displays with a central tree that runs a spectrum of light configurations. I did like that.

The initial train garden was vast and the set-up was nice! There are a few other train displays along the lighted pathways, but this one was by far the largest.

From here, you are funneled on to the pathway where there are different vignettes set up. There are some cute areas, but by and large, the majority of the set-up is wooden cut outs or housed dioramas. Most of the lights are either wire framed displays such as seen in the photos above, or are used to light the pathways and frame wooden cut-outs. There may be over a million or so lights here, but they aren’t dazzling as much as they are just lighting the path.

The wooden cut-outs cover an array of topics in their displays. There were iconic cartoon characters such as Garfield, Peanuts and Sesame Street characters (all painted with slightly distorted features), along with classics like Andy Capp and Betty Boop. These are squeezed into areas that were bordered by Native Americans, covered wagons, bison, the story of the Nutcracker and A Christmas Carol, dinosaurs, and the winter at Valley Forge (wtf??). This mishmash of topics was a little dizzying when tied together with the small buildings with their displays of cookie baking, a jungle scene with animals in Christmas bows, Grace’s Drugstore (again, ??), Santa and his reindeer, a creepy moving doll that was ice skating, a fire department, the Nativity and a sweets shop. 

Sprinkled here and there along the path were shops. In my opinion, Koziar’s missed out on effective merch opportunities. One shop had just shirts, another just stuffies and a few cars for sale and a third had random holiday decor that was wildly overpriced. None of the shops were attractively displayed or inviting. There was a place to get hot cocoa and another to get popcorn and still another to get sweets. A refreshment barn and gift shop were at the end of the path and maybe this area was set up better, but I didn’t want to fight the masses to see since I was already put off by their other merchandising scenarios.

All in all, Hubby and I had fun and we feel like we had a good holiday adventure.

Would we go back to Koziar’s? No. Although, I really enjoyed visiting Lititz.

Would I recommend it to anyone who lives 2 hours away, no. It’s a little underwhelming for the price and the drive, especially if you have older kids. Younger kids might like it, but much of it is dated. Honestly, I don’t think there are any cut-outs that represent anything after 1996 or so.

Would I have been disappointed if I’d paid $160.00? You bet. It’s definitely not Longwood Gardens!!

If this is your kind of thing, then it’s really your thing and you’ll love it. Kids will be dazzled, but might not understand some of what they are seeing beyond pretty lights.

Me? One and done!

Posted in Musings and Mutterings

Decorating the tree

We decorated the tree today with the help of the small human living next door.

He doesn’t celebrate Christmas, but he’s enthralled by all things Christmas. So, I am trying to respect his traditions while including him in ones he is showing interest in.

It’s a win-win I think, because I miss my littles so much and he needs a sense of belonging.

Everything is kinda bunched up front, so the elves will need to do some rearranging, but that’s part of the fun.

And for anyone who is in the know, Mrs. Claus is still singing her song 38 years later!

Posted in Musings and Mutterings

Wish (I hadn’t)

I took my littles to the movies to see Disney’s newest movie, “Wish”.

We’d recently had our first ever theater experience at this same facility, which is very nice, seeing the Paw Patrol movie, so I had high hopes of a Thanksgiving weekend treat for the 3 and 5 year old.

I had the option to take them to the latest “Trolls” installment or to see Disney’s “Wish”. I was unsure of the Trolls movie because it was the 3rd in the franchise and I felt like there might be too much backstory we didn’t know since we’d never seen one, so I chose the Disney movie.

To say I was disappointed was an understatement. I knew within the first 15 minutes that we were going to be peppered with questions the entire way home, because the story was so full of holes, even I had troubles connecting with the swiss cheese of a movie.

The 5 year old is just learning how to deal with dramatic tension movies can evoke. She held my hand and told me, “I don’t like this movie!”, but she does that for ANY movie that makes her a bit uncomfy. She could have finished the movie and would have been ok.

The 3 year old just wasn’t having it. It’s not like this movie is terrifying, but the King emits a palpable feeling of “ICK” and my sensitive little man wasn’t in the mood for such a thing. Couple that with songs that just didn’t really catch you, no real connection to the heroine and no funny bits to release that ICK factor and he was ready to leave halfway through. Not even cuddling on my lap could get him to stop complaining loudly that he didn’t like the movie and wanted to leave.

We ended up leaving before it was over and the experience was not the best for my two little loves. I felt sad about that, because I really was hoping to have a nice time. I guess you can’t win them all.

On the plus side, we did get to decorate the tree for Christmas and we worked on our gingerbread houses!

Posted in Musings and Mutterings

Elephant Feet… It’s what’s for dinner!!

Actually, if I’m being honest, this looks a bit more like an elephant foot and a small dropping. Whatever it looked like, it was what we had for dinner and it was certainly yummy.

During the growing season, I love to go to a local farm stand and try to figure out how to use whatever is in season. Last year I found this….

This jumbo pink banana squash weighed in at about 14 pounds and cost me a whopping $1.00. I roasted it used it for soup with a little cinnamon. It was DELICIOUS!! It had an earthly sweet flavor that complimented the cinnamon. I’d hoped the farm had grown these again, but all I could find was the elephant poop squash, which is actually a Blue Hubbard squash and cost me $3.00 for an 8 pound squash. Not quite as budget friendly as the pink one, but pretty tasty. Blue Hubbard squash taste a bit more like what we’ve come to expect from canned pumpkin.

I roasted this squash and made another soup, but this time I added some ginger, celery and chipotle pepper. I used an immersion blender to blend it to a velvety smoothness and now I have a warm lunch for the rest of the week.

Sometimes I forget that many people wouldn’t even try to find a way to eat something that’s verdi gris, bumpy and looks different. I recently found gooseberries at the grocery store, which are not a common thing here on the East Coast. The little yellow fruits looked a bit like grape tomatoes and oddly had a tangy sweet/tart flavor to them. Almost like a grape tomato, but super sweet. I liked them! In that same shopping trip, I found this…

I have eaten jackfruit before, but I’ve never seen one in the wild. The jackfruit I had eaten was prepped and in a package. I posted a picture of this on social media and I got feedback that it’s quite smelly, so I’m glad I left the prepping up to someone else.

Last week, I went to play bingo with some friends at a local fire hall. Even though everyone was buying pizza, nachos and cupcakes, I knew they were actually secretly coveting my bag of cut celery. As a follow up to my noisy noshing, I had brought along some thin rice cakes smeared with sunflower and hemp butter. One of the people at bingo has a condition where he can’t taste what he’s eating (sometimes I think about him and comfort myself when I’m feeling a bit down about what I “can’t” have). At least I can taste what I’m eating.

After producing my rice cake with sunflower butter, he asked me what I was eating. I told him. His eyebrows shot up like I was eating the oddest thing on the planet. When I was done I got up from the table to do something else and heard him exclaiming to Hubby, “Did you see what she was eating!! Some kind of sunbutter thing!!”, as if it was an elephant foot/turd or something.

Posted in Musings and Mutterings

My Carpet Rake

I’m in a love/hate relationship with my carpet rake.

I love it because it gets all the hair off my carpets.

Who am I kidding?? It gets more hair off my carpets. This house will never be “fur free”.

I hate it because I feel like a failure in the housekeeping arena, even though I vacuum every day (mostly, and when I’m here).

Of course, I do have a fur farmer living here… and she’s so sweet.

Ok, I officially love my rake, and my prodigious fur farmer.

Posted in Musings and Mutterings


Isn’t this appropriate?! Btw, he’s fine. He thought it was hilarious!

As a metaphor for many things in life, you spin and spin and spin until one day you fall off that cycle.

I used to write here every day for months.. until I fell off.

I was eating well and decaffeinated, until I fell off.

I was working, until I jumped off.

I was living with constant anger and pain, until I both jumped and fell off.

It’s not just the things I do. I feel like this speaks to so many things in life. Relationships that are so great with people until that relationship falls away, hobbies that you enjoy until you don’t, favorite foods you can’t get enough of until you can live without them again….doing something over and over until you don’t anymore.

I miss some of those things that have fallen away, and others, I can live without. Their time is over.

Oddly, having more time to do the things I’ve loved has not always resulted in doing those things. That seems odd to me. I’m bouncing around the country seeing grandchildren and friends, and that feels good, but I’m not reading or doing as many projects that sit in my mind and niggle at me. I’m sure everyone feels this way, right?

Besides, the time with my family and friends is more valuable to me than checking something off my list.

Posted in Musings and Mutterings

COVID Nightmares at 174 hz

*Warning – may be disturbing (it was for me!)

If you poke back through this blog, you’ll see a number of posts about nightmares. I tend to have vivid and disturbing dreams, but even more so when I am sick, have taken a med that doesn’t agree or listen to certain frequencies while sleeping.

I just got back from Alaska. It was a beautiful trip to celebrate my birthday and all went well until the last day. I fell asleep in the sun on the cruise ship and got a bit of a sunburn. Later that night, I was exceptionally tired, but that’s not unusual at the end of a cruise, so I pushed off the hot feeling and attributed it to the sunburn.

The next morning we disembarked at 7:30 am in Vancouver, BC., stored our luggage and set off to explore the city in one day. One very long and increasingly difficult day where I started to feel worse. By the time we were boarding our 11:25 pm flight, I knew I was sick, but wasn’t sure what I’d caught. When we got home the next morning at 10:00 am, I got a test and voila! COVID. So trust me when I say I was EXHAUSTED by the time I got home, it’s an understatement.

So by the time I was able to go to sleep, I wanted to get the best rest I could get. I’ve been listening to 528 hz while sleeping and find that I sleep a bit more peacefully, so I thought I’d look up a frequency known for healing and in my limited capacity, took the first suggestion and ran with it, 174 hz.

I dreamed that I was in the home I grew up in (which should be a clue, because just about all nightmares include that house somehow) and I was walking past the basement steps. I glanced down and saw my mother (who has been deceased for 19 years) walking up the steps. She looked like she did when she was about 37. She was looking down and I remember exclaiming, “Mommy!!” very excitedly. I was so happy to see her! As she climbed the last step, I was able to look her in the eye and I heard, “There’s those almond eyes I’ve missed so much.” and I felt like she’d said it, but I can’t be sure. All I know is that I was filled with the most joyful excitement to connect with her again.

Somehow we were on a couch next, face one another, and I was bubbling with excitement to see how she was. I started asking her rapid-fire questions.

“Are you ok?”

“Are you happy in heaven?”

As I’m asking these, I don’t see her hair or facial features anymore, but instead I see a bald head and her skin starts to look taut and discolored. Her eyes looked like skin that had been pinched and twisted multiple times so that they resembled the end of a sausage, with just nubbins where her eyes should have been. Her mouth wasn’t there anymore, though there was a distorted type of grimace at an unnatural angle across her face and I truly felt like she was trying to communicate with me and that the answers to my questions were positive, but the grotesque disfigurement of her face started to freak me out so much that I started to look around. I heard a metallic clanging sound, looked away, saw a machine of some sort being tied down and knew that wasn’t supposed to be there, so I said to myself, “OK, I’m hallucinating.” and woke up.

I’m sorry, but that kind of dream isn’t just one to shake off. It felt so real and deep.

I eventually went back to sleep, but eventually dreamed again… this time a pillow had somehow “jumped” up on my bed and was trying to suffocate me. I was pretty snotty, so I can figure out what happened there.

It’s quite possible that these were just fever dreams, because I did take my temp before passing out, but I’m not willing to try this frequency again to “make sure”.

Posted in Musings and Mutterings

Happy Thanksgiving from Miami

That’s right. We ditched all of the family to come to Miami to sit in the heat and humidity and commiserate the fate of turkeys everywhere.

Instead of pumpkin pie and eggnog, we opted for art deco and sea breezes. We rented a room in South Beach (Suites on South Beach) for a few days before our very first Virgin Voyages cruise. After many attempts to cruise together (pandemic, war, cancellations) Hubby and I were actually able to complete a vacation together, which is odd because I’ve been travelling almost non-stop in 2022, yet he and I haven’t had a chance to go with one another.

We did feel bad about not being with our kids, but with them living far away from us, and our history of Fakesgiving, we decided it was probably the one holiday we could dip out on. We are always thankful for what we have and grateful for our lives. What better way to celebrate that than to lounge on the beach, walk for miles and have cocktails in an Irish bar while staring at lawn decor that’s missing a foot?

Posted in Musings and Mutterings

Ultra Conservative

This is not a political post, it’s about my body.

I am ever grateful for this container I am symbiotic with, but we’ve learned a few things about each other as we’ve traversed our time around the sun.

She’s ultra conservative and I’m well, not so much. I like to go, go, go. She wants to sleep. I want to eat, she’s afraid of famine and holds on to all the fuel she can, for as long as she can. I want to use my muscles, she disagrees.

My thoughts are fast… she moves slow. Even her heartbeat is around 54 beats.

I love my body. She’s grudgingly taken us on many adventures and we’ve seen quite a bit together. We’ve walked thousands of miles and are even in harmony now and then, but generally, I want more than she’s willing to give, and if I push her, she lets me know just how displeased she is.

My body is a picky eater. There are things I’d love to try and flavors I can imagine, but she’s a thoroughbred and lets me know when she’s unhappy with what I’ve been giving her.

Sometimes I’m annoyed with this opposition, but then I think of the babies she’s made. The feelings she gives and the things we’ve been through together and I try to soften my expectations and make peace with her. In most of my life, I’ve pushed for perfection…. or what feels like the best…. in just about everything. I realize that I have very high expectations. I should realize that millions would LOVE to have my body. They’d be grateful for my health and strength and ability. But I stubbornly push and expect more at times and for that I probably should take a step back and rethink.

I can race through life, or I can listen to my body and take it all a little slower. The bigger issue is the battle with time. Yep, that third factor in life. What you get done, what you don’t and how much time you have. I fully expect to be 113, and I want to be sure I get there happy and healthy and able to take care of myself. Maybe that’s why she’s so conservative. She’s playing the long game. Smart body. ;0)

Posted in Musings and Mutterings


I got up and worked on a budget that I promptly ignored and bought a room on a cruise that my son has been begging me to go on for the holidays with him. Now, was that irresponsible financially, or did I see the larger picture about money affording me experiences with my son…?

Does it change your opinion if I tell you that I’m going to Miami for a few days before I leave on a back to back cruise with my husband for the two weeks prior to the cruise with my son, meaning that I’m essentially floating around the Caribbean for 3 weeks?

How about if I tell you that earlier this evening I went to the store and got out of my car. When I tried to lock my vehicle it gave me an alarm tone. Occasionally, the car will give alarms for nothing, such as when the little brain has been confused and I’ve had to basically “reboot” the car. This time, though, it knew what it was talking about because somehow I hadn’t TURNED IT OFF. So essentially it was sitting there, RUNNING, the entire time I was in the store shopping for SOCKS. WTF is wrong with me? I hadn’t realized it was still ON….. to be fair, it is a quiet little car. Sheesh!!