Posted in Musings and Mutterings

Decorating the tree

We decorated the tree today with the help of the small human living next door.

He doesn’t celebrate Christmas, but he’s enthralled by all things Christmas. So, I am trying to respect his traditions while including him in ones he is showing interest in.

It’s a win-win I think, because I miss my littles so much and he needs a sense of belonging.

Everything is kinda bunched up front, so the elves will need to do some rearranging, but that’s part of the fun.

And for anyone who is in the know, Mrs. Claus is still singing her song 38 years later!

Posted in Musings and Mutterings

Wish (I hadn’t)

I took my littles to the movies to see Disney’s newest movie, “Wish”.

We’d recently had our first ever theater experience at this same facility, which is very nice, seeing the Paw Patrol movie, so I had high hopes of a Thanksgiving weekend treat for the 3 and 5 year old.

I had the option to take them to the latest “Trolls” installment or to see Disney’s “Wish”. I was unsure of the Trolls movie because it was the 3rd in the franchise and I felt like there might be too much backstory we didn’t know since we’d never seen one, so I chose the Disney movie.

To say I was disappointed was an understatement. I knew within the first 15 minutes that we were going to be peppered with questions the entire way home, because the story was so full of holes, even I had troubles connecting with the swiss cheese of a movie.

The 5 year old is just learning how to deal with dramatic tension movies can evoke. She held my hand and told me, “I don’t like this movie!”, but she does that for ANY movie that makes her a bit uncomfy. She could have finished the movie and would have been ok.

The 3 year old just wasn’t having it. It’s not like this movie is terrifying, but the King emits a palpable feeling of “ICK” and my sensitive little man wasn’t in the mood for such a thing. Couple that with songs that just didn’t really catch you, no real connection to the heroine and no funny bits to release that ICK factor and he was ready to leave halfway through. Not even cuddling on my lap could get him to stop complaining loudly that he didn’t like the movie and wanted to leave.

We ended up leaving before it was over and the experience was not the best for my two little loves. I felt sad about that, because I really was hoping to have a nice time. I guess you can’t win them all.

On the plus side, we did get to decorate the tree for Christmas and we worked on our gingerbread houses!

Posted in Musings and Mutterings

Elephant Feet… It’s what’s for dinner!!

Actually, if I’m being honest, this looks a bit more like an elephant foot and a small dropping. Whatever it looked like, it was what we had for dinner and it was certainly yummy.

During the growing season, I love to go to a local farm stand and try to figure out how to use whatever is in season. Last year I found this….

This jumbo pink banana squash weighed in at about 14 pounds and cost me a whopping $1.00. I roasted it used it for soup with a little cinnamon. It was DELICIOUS!! It had an earthly sweet flavor that complimented the cinnamon. I’d hoped the farm had grown these again, but all I could find was the elephant poop squash, which is actually a Blue Hubbard squash and cost me $3.00 for an 8 pound squash. Not quite as budget friendly as the pink one, but pretty tasty. Blue Hubbard squash taste a bit more like what we’ve come to expect from canned pumpkin.

I roasted this squash and made another soup, but this time I added some ginger, celery and chipotle pepper. I used an immersion blender to blend it to a velvety smoothness and now I have a warm lunch for the rest of the week.

Sometimes I forget that many people wouldn’t even try to find a way to eat something that’s verdi gris, bumpy and looks different. I recently found gooseberries at the grocery store, which are not a common thing here on the East Coast. The little yellow fruits looked a bit like grape tomatoes and oddly had a tangy sweet/tart flavor to them. Almost like a grape tomato, but super sweet. I liked them! In that same shopping trip, I found this…

I have eaten jackfruit before, but I’ve never seen one in the wild. The jackfruit I had eaten was prepped and in a package. I posted a picture of this on social media and I got feedback that it’s quite smelly, so I’m glad I left the prepping up to someone else.

Last week, I went to play bingo with some friends at a local fire hall. Even though everyone was buying pizza, nachos and cupcakes, I knew they were actually secretly coveting my bag of cut celery. As a follow up to my noisy noshing, I had brought along some thin rice cakes smeared with sunflower and hemp butter. One of the people at bingo has a condition where he can’t taste what he’s eating (sometimes I think about him and comfort myself when I’m feeling a bit down about what I “can’t” have). At least I can taste what I’m eating.

After producing my rice cake with sunflower butter, he asked me what I was eating. I told him. His eyebrows shot up like I was eating the oddest thing on the planet. When I was done I got up from the table to do something else and heard him exclaiming to Hubby, “Did you see what she was eating!! Some kind of sunbutter thing!!”, as if it was an elephant foot/turd or something.

Posted in Musings and Mutterings

My Carpet Rake

I’m in a love/hate relationship with my carpet rake.

I love it because it gets all the hair off my carpets.

Who am I kidding?? It gets more hair off my carpets. This house will never be “fur free”.

I hate it because I feel like a failure in the housekeeping arena, even though I vacuum every day (mostly, and when I’m here).

Of course, I do have a fur farmer living here… and she’s so sweet.

Ok, I officially love my rake, and my prodigious fur farmer.

Posted in Musings and Mutterings


Isn’t this appropriate?! Btw, he’s fine. He thought it was hilarious!

As a metaphor for many things in life, you spin and spin and spin until one day you fall off that cycle.

I used to write here every day for months.. until I fell off.

I was eating well and decaffeinated, until I fell off.

I was working, until I jumped off.

I was living with constant anger and pain, until I both jumped and fell off.

It’s not just the things I do. I feel like this speaks to so many things in life. Relationships that are so great with people until that relationship falls away, hobbies that you enjoy until you don’t, favorite foods you can’t get enough of until you can live without them again….doing something over and over until you don’t anymore.

I miss some of those things that have fallen away, and others, I can live without. Their time is over.

Oddly, having more time to do the things I’ve loved has not always resulted in doing those things. That seems odd to me. I’m bouncing around the country seeing grandchildren and friends, and that feels good, but I’m not reading or doing as many projects that sit in my mind and niggle at me. I’m sure everyone feels this way, right?

Besides, the time with my family and friends is more valuable to me than checking something off my list.