Posted in Musings and Mutterings

Excitement or Anxiety? – 4

It’s Friday.

I’m headed for Europe on Monday.

People keep saying to me, “Are you ready for your trip?” “Aren’t you excited?”

I’m not sure how to answer that, exactly. Am I excited, or am I simply anxious?

Both produce an adrenaline reaction that I don’t find comfortable. Both make my cheeks squeeze. (too graphic?) Both make my heart race and create a disjointed lack of ability to focus. I ask you, how is that a pleasant feeling?

So… I choose to think of other things. Kinda.

Like writing a blog about feeling a certain way I don’t like to feel, right? I’m brilliant!

Posted in Musings and Mutterings

Major and Minor – 12

Today I am majorly distracted and minorly motivated to work. To give you an idea of how my day has gone, I got work emails that I read and didn’t respond to, because I was reading them while I was taking a walk around the neighborhood.

My husband called to talk to me and I couldn’t focus my mind on his words while I was trying to randomly save my daylilies from certain strangulation by some damn flowering vine. (probably a morning glory someone stupidly planted without thought of how those suckers take over EVERYTHING)

I left the piles I pulled in the driveway.  ahem… ok.. I forgot them until I looked out later, happier now?

I came up to the loft to work and instead bought some socks and foundation garments for my trip to Spain. What I really need are some business casual outfits, but I haven’t gotten there yet.

Determined to get something done, I started working on attendance rosters so I can produce the progress reports that are due – um – now. Of course, I’m freezing for some reason, so I go hunting a jacket and while downstairs, I have my breakfast, wander out to the deck and look around. Then I pet the dog and wander back upstairs.

I checked my email, but couldn’t really be bothered to see what any of the messages said, flitted through Facebook for a second, checked my bank account, chatted with my friend about a bunch of nothing, saw that another hour and a half had passed by and realized it was LUNCH time. So, off to put together my meal of salsa, crackers and celery, accompanied by a cup of fresh coffee and a cup of lemon-lime water stuffed to the brim with ice! (wth?)

I’m in a perfectly lovely dreamy disconnected mood and happy as a clam to be distracted by anything my mind wants to pursue with only the slightest inkling that my daughter is coming to visit and if I don’t get my work done, I won’t be able to hang out with her, not to mention how appreciative my boss would be to see that I’ve finished the second campus progress reports so she doesn’t have to worry about them when she flies out of the country. Pah!! Now I ask you, who could be bothered with that stuff when you feel ethereal and dreamy and are floating along in your puffy cloud-like existence of looking at butterflies and watching the leaves on the trees flutter in the breeze while sipping alternating hot and cold beverages?

I have notifications on my phone. Sometimes they are so spot-on with current thoughts or conversations when they go off randomly. Just now I got a notification that says, “More Work?”, which came from World of Warcraft audio clips. It was quickly followed by another notification that says, “I’m not listening!”  So true… how did it know?

Posted in Musings and Mutterings

Wild Weather Moves -17

Mt. Airy Tornado forming

We had violent weather yesterday. Tornadoes passed us by on two sides and for that, I’m grateful. I’m hoping that there wasn’t really any damage to anyone else. (and yes, my technical side says there actually aren’t “two sides” when you basically live in a radius – chill)

Thunder in my new home is strange. I hear an occasional boom, but unlike when I lived in the ‘burbs with buildings everywhere, here in the hills it just kinda rolls along forever and never really ends. It was a little disturbing and the dog purely hates it. She was never this much of a ‘fraidy cat before. Still, I trust her ears and reactions more than my own because the time she was racing around looking for a place to hide ended up being just before the closest tornado went by. She may look like a naked mole rat now, but she’s still my best indicator when I’m hiding in the basement.

We are parents again! Well, just for the weekend. We are blessed with a visitation by our friends’ two teenaged children while she visits her ailing mother. It’s pretty amazing the difference in the energy around here when the kids come to visit. Slipping in to psuedo-mom wasn’t difficult at all, and in fact, felt really good. I’ve said something to Hubby about adopting or fostering foreign students, but he looks at me like I’ve grown a second head when I mention it, so I think he’s not really on board for that kind of thing.

I’m going to help my son pack a trailer and head off for his new life in Houston. He and his new wife are moving back to her hometown. I want him happy, but I can’t say I won’t miss him. A bunch. I’m sure weeping will ensue, but I’m hoping not too much and only the happy kind. (ok, I can dream, can’t I?) If this is the way it works, with the son going to live with the daughter’s family, then why did my daughter move to Pittsburgh? Just sayin’. (and I’m sure I’ll hear a stern and beleaguered, “mom” from her later)

Yes, the countdown to travel has begun. 17 days until I leave for Spain! EEK! and YAY!