Posted in Musings and Mutterings

Old Squishi EMail

While digging through a bunch of files to see what could be purged I found some old email. This batch, in particular, was akin to finding the dusty old letters tied with a ribbon in a cigar box in your grandmother’s attic. Naturally, you’d want to read them.

Reading old messages carries mixed emotions. They are time portals into your life. Little snapshots of what was going on and how you were feeling about it all. Reminders of feelings that have (or haven’t) changed, outlooks that have been outgrown, things you felt were important and connections that were made or lost.

They are also a venue to take a removed look at yourself. I was lucky enough to find not only the mail sent to my squishi account, but also my responses. It was particularly fun to read what *I* wrote. Sometimes a bit embarrassing, but mostly I got to see me the way I was seen by others. Interesting, because while in the throes of being “ME” I have no sense of self in that fashion. Hopefully, I’m making myself clear here. It’s akin to finding a video you don’t remember being taken of you and then watching it years later. You probably look at it and say, “I looked like that?” or “I said that?”.  I’m sure there would be times you would surprise yourself with your insight or witticisms, and others when you’d have a face-palm moment. That’s exactly how I felt reading my old emails.

And then I re-tied the ribbon, placed them back into the dusty cigar box and hid them in the attic again, just waiting for the next time I find them and decide it’s time for some nostalgia.

Posted in Musings and Mutterings

My Furry Children

Hello blog! Long time, no write. Without being overly obvious, I sure have done a sucky job keeping up with this lately.

And there is just SO MUCH to talk about. Which might be a good thing, because I can’t really bitch that there isn’t anything to talk about, eh?

First off, let’s harken back to July, when I adopted two small kittens. They aren’t so small anymore. Sally looks like a normal sized cat, but Scout? Well, he’s gonna be a big fellow.

Sally helps me work
Scout helps with the laundry
Scout helps with the laundry

These two are the SWEETEST cats on the planet. Scout actually asks you to pick him up and WANTS you to kiss him. Sally just wants to be touched or touching you. I’ve been so blessed with cuddly, loving kitties.

After I got these two, I decided I should just go ahead and replace all my grown human children with furry children.

And so… I’ve added my last furry family member for a bit. Meet Sam!


Sam is a 13 week old… well… we aren’t really sure what Sam is, other than canine. He’s a bit of a mix, looking like he might be Shepherd and Lab, or something. The only thing we can tell is he’s going to be big. He was 20 lbs at his first vet appointment. He also has some interesting brindle markings. It doesn’t matter, he’s just the best boy ever. He’s almost housebroken (… alllllmost) and we couldn’t have gotten a sweeter boy if we’d ordered one specially made for us. He’s smart and cute and we are both madly in love with him.

And don’t forget, we still have Piper!

She looks thrilled, doesn't she?
She looks thrilled, doesn’t she?

Two boys and two girls; just like their human counterparts.  My daughter (the Piper equivalent) posted a comment on Facebook that said, “Does anyone else think Mom and Dad have a case of empty nest syndrome?”

Well, maybe I did. But not anymore. I’ve got plenty of activity and lots of love and good energy all around me now. Happy camper, me!