Posted in Musings and Mutterings

I’m Cheating – Imported from my other blog!

Time certainly does fly when you are being quiet. I get up in the mornings and come to check out my emails and blogs and before I know it, some mornings, it’s lunch time!

How does that happen. I’d imagine that if I spent the same amount of time reading a novel, or studying current events, as I do checking up on the blogs I read, I’d be a pretty smart cookie. But I’d rather see what others are thinking and check in with real life instead of some journalists view,or the political slant of a news agency. Just seems a titch more intimate and connected to reality to me, but I’m sure I’m twisted in that view.

I enjoy my cup of beverage du jour and my funny/sad/angry/enlightening/introspective/cookbook/jokes/photos/raunchy/political readings in the mornings.

I spent most of my weekend trying to do my taxes, with the emphasis on TRYING. I have all the information, mind you, but I tried one of the top online tax prep sites and found myself in a data loop. Every time I tried to get past this one area, it would just dump me back into the same screen with NO WAY OUT! Ergh. How are you supposed to trust the software, if it doesn’t work right? How many other things are wrong with it?

So, I decided I would try another popular online tax software. This one wouldn’t let me enter our full names, since it was limited to 30 characters for both taxpayer and spouse’s names. Um.. ok, who doesn’t get their first or last name then? A few more oddities like that and I went in search of yet another site.

Again I did all I was supposed to and this one let me complete just about the entire thing, but the amount owed was over $400.00 more than the first site said I owed.

hmmm… ok

I don’t deny that I probably owe some this year, but I really don’t want to pay MORE than I’m supposed to (nor less). So which one is right?? And why are they so far off if I put the same numbers in each program?

I decided that maybe I’d use the site that sends your returns to a PERSON so they can review your information. I registered, put in my info and answered their questions. Finally, a window popped up that said I needed to choose my professional. When I went to pick one, they are all over 25 miles away at a minimum. Ugh. Ok, maybe not that either.

I have two options now and I’m running out of time. Go pick up software and install it an hope there isn’t anything amiss with THAT version or go to the same people who take care of the Trust tax returns. Although with the second option, the amount I’d have to pay them to do the taxes might just break my tiny little bank account.

Decisions, decisions…..can I go back to my quiet place and start all over again? lol

Posted in Musings and Mutterings

Time Flies

Morning forest
Image via Wikipedia

Time certainly does fly when you are being quiet. I get up in the mornings and come to check out my emails and blogs and before I know it, some mornings, it’s lunch time!

How does that happen. I’d imagine that if I spent the same amount of time reading a novel, or studying current events, as I do checking up on the blogs I read, I’d be a pretty smart cookie. But I’d rather see what others are thinking and check in with real life instead of some journalists view,or the political slant of a news agency. Just seems a titch more intimate and connected to reality to me, but I’m sure I’m twisted in that view.

I enjoy my cup of beverage du jour and my funny/sad/angry/enlightening/introspective/cookbook/jokes/photos/raunchy/political readings in the mornings.

I spent most of my weekend trying to do my taxes, with the emphasis on TRYING. I have all the information, mind you, but I tried one of the top online tax prep sites and found myself in a data loop. Every time I tried to get past this one area, it would just dump me back into the same screen with NO WAY OUT! Ergh. How are you supposed to trust the software, if it doesn’t work right? How many other things are wrong with it?

So, I decided I would try another popular online tax software. This one wouldn’t let me enter our full names, since it was limited to 30 characters for both taxpayer and spouse’s names. Um.. ok, who doesn’t get their first or last name then? A few more oddities like that and I went in search of yet another site.

Again I did all I was supposed to and this one let me complete just about the entire thing, but the amount owed was over $400.00 more than the first site said I owed.

hmmm… ok

I don’t deny that I probably owe some this year, but I really don’t want to pay MORE than I’m supposed to (nor less). So which one is right?? And why are the so far off if I put the same numbers in each program?

I decided that maybe I’d use the site that sends your returns to a PERSON so they can review your information. I registered, put in my info and answered their questions. Finally, a window popped up that said I needed to choose my professional. When I went to pick one, they are all over 25 miles away at a minimum. Ugh. Ok, maybe not that either.

I have two options now and I’m running out of time. Go pick up software and install it an hope there isn’t anything amiss with THAT version or go to the same people who take care of the Trust tax returns. Although with the second option, the amount I’d have to pay them to do the taxes might just break my tiny little bank account.

Decisions, decisions…..can I go back to my quiet place and start all over again? lol

Posted in Musings and Mutterings

Quick Hit and an Import

I shouldn’t even be doing this much, I have so much work to do, but I hate to have a blog just languishing with nothing posted to it. I mean, if you are going to take time to give birth to the thing in the first place you might as well nourish it and take care of it.

I wrote something a few months ago that I wanted to repost here. Since I actually have 5 blogs floating around in cyber space (ok, I *do* see the hypocrisy of having 5 and really only writing on two, but I do visit the others on a regular basis… it’s just I only have soo much to say!!), but really only write on 2 of them regularly, I thought I ought to bring that particular blog over here since it pertains more to this blog and (get ready for my shameless personal promotion) my multiply site.

I do usually write different things on either blog, so if you don’t see anything here and you are having a desperate need to read all things Sharon, then you can pop over there and see what I’m up to. And now, without further to do, I give you one of my favorite past posts! (changed just slightly to apply to this blog)

Dear MySpace Blog,
I have a confession. You are not the only one. I know our relationship
is new, and I find many interesting and intriguing things about you.
I’m sure our relationship will grow. I’ve already met many new friends,
just by knowing you and I’m happy to say that it looks like I’ll be
around for a long time, but I’ve had a faithful friend for awhile and I
just can’t drop my other blog by the wayside. I’m just not like that.
I’m a loyal and supportive person, trying to nurture all in my life to
be the best they can be, and my other blog has been there for me too.
It has provided me with support when there was nowhere else to turn to.
(the closure of Yahoo360) We’ve shared so much and enjoyed many times
together that I can’t stop thinking about the other blog, but you hold
my attention as well.

I’m hoping both you and my other blog can get along. I’d like to
introduce the two of you and let you get to know one another. Already
you each have a different feel about you, but I think that if you relax
and not allow jealousy to get in the way, you’ll see that you have much
more in common than just me and if you give it a chance, you’ll come to
like one another. You may even share blogs with one another now and

So please, don’t think that I’m leaving you and realize that I’m not
talking of ending my relationship with either of you. I understand it
may take time, but I’m willing to give that to both of you, since I
care that much. I want you to be secure enough to deal with the
situation like a mature blog. No name calling. No judging the other
blog out of turn. No insecurities about who has the better theme, or
who got an extra post and above all else, no DRAMA!! I promised my
other blog that I’d always be there and even if there has been a few
technical difficulties and rough spots, a promise is a promise and
should never be made, nor broken lightly or without much careful
consideration for all factors involved.

So, MySpace, I want you to meet Multiply.
You can find Multiply at . Go
and say hello.. I have nothing to hide from the two of you and want you
to foster a wonderful relationship with one another so our lives may be
fulfilled and enriched by an expansion in our little universe instead
of diminished by an exclusion.



Posted in Musings and Mutterings

Writer’s Block

WARNING: For those of you who hate those rambling, wandering blogs into the realms of perhaps something, but usually nothing… you may want to turn back now. As long as my counter already got your hit, I’m ok with you ignoring what I have to say. (Remember, I’m a hit whore.) Oh, and I’m lying.. it does bug me when people don’t read the whole blog.. but it *is* your prerogative.

Oh wow, who’da thunk that prerogative was spelled that way, eh?

I got up this morning and there was sunshine.. only minutes later it was cloudy and dark. Not the best way to start a morning. Then I started listening to music and Mendota, by DAC CRowell came on. It’s a drone zone ambient kind of song that you can find on a cool site called  I go there to get music from independent artists. You can pay as little as 5.00 for an entire album and they let you listen to the entire thing before you buy it. There are all kinds of music genres there as well, not just trippy space music like I’m listening to now. Although it fits with the NASA space footage going on behind me on hubby’s computer. I just keep waiting for the Alien to arrive.

Mmm, granny smith apples and peanut butter.. well, now you know what my snack was, eh?

Remember I was wondering/worrying over the Deep Vein Thrombosis thing? No worries about that now. I got a call on Monday telling me that my veins looked fine, but that I needed a skull xray. ‘Scuse me? What does one have to do with the other? Well, they don’t, actually. I had a Dexa scan to make sure my bones weren’t breaky-breaky and it turns out my bones are thicker than the average for my age. (I told everyone I was big boned!! Finally, vindication!) They couldn’t really give me a good reason why I needed the xray, just told me to go do it. And to go make an appointment with the Ortho. (my ankle is worse) So, I made an appointment with a NEW ortho, because the other one gave me the heebiejeebies and maybe that’s why I’ve been so reluctant to go to him. I”m sure the diagnosis will be the same, it’s just that I want to feel comfy when I talk to the Dr., you know?

I’m looking forward to my weekend. I’m going to the beach with hubby and hoping that #3 doesn’t completely trash the house with parties. I know that March doesn’t exactly seem like beach weather, but it’s our anniversary and we like the relative quiet there. Besides, it’s time for the annual mini golf challenge. We play a few rounds of mini golf and whomever wins the majority of the games (or the one if we only got that far) gets to be the “Boss” for the year! (How many believe I let Hubby be the boss?? Huh? How many believe that I can be dominated and controlled?? Raise your hands.. lemme count… hmmm, no takers? You must know me too well!) Ok, so maybe the title is ceremonial, but we still have the challenge. This past year, Hubby was the boss. (harumph)

*looking around* OK.. I think the next thing I have to do is fairly obvious. I have little piles all over the place that need filing. I always feel like filing is maintenance, not work, but I’m silly that way. It is work and I need to get to it, so I guess I’ll crank some tunes and oust the kitty from the inbox and decrease her comfy cushion of paperwork from her favorite sleeping place. What are you doing at work today?

Posted in Musings and Mutterings

Working it Through

Kinda bummed today, but working to get over it.

Sometimes it’s so easy for others to not realize the damage they can do to another person. It’s hard for me to understand how someone, who knows full well the impact their actions will have, can continue down a path that ultimately and in some ways selfishly, hurts someone else.

Trust is such a fragile thing. For me, it’s not easily doled out to others. It makes it all the more difficult to have a positive attitude and to extend that trust and vulnerability when others have such callous disregard for it after working so hard to achieve it!

But enough of that. Time to get back to work and turn on some music to start my day. (Hey, that’s from a Boston song… ok, time to put that one on and get moving)

Posted in Musings and Mutterings


I have come back to my office no less than 4 times to get the number to
my Dr.’s office. It would be nice if they would let me know if I *DO*
have a blood clot in my leg before the weekend. I mean strokes,
embolisms and other health complications might make for an exciting
weekend, but I’d really rather be able to live through the weekend and
be bored than to NOT!!

Each time I’ve come back, I’ve been distracted. By the way? This blog?
About being distracted? Lol, it’s my 5th attempt to get the number and call.

Procrastinate much? Nah…

Distraction 6- dog barking…

Distraction 7 – daughter came home!! YAY!!

Distraction 8 – kinda… I did call the Dr. but of course I only called
after hanging out with the daughter and getting the latest scoop on
what’s going on.

Then I left this blog up and open for EVER while we got our toes done,
made some lasagna, watched numerous movies and enjoyed visiting with my
daughter, who just left to go back to school.

But, the Dr. never called back. Go Fig.

I have to work today, Sunday, so I guess I should really wrap this up and get a move on!

Posted in Musings and Mutterings

No Guilt

Yesterday I had to go to some training. Honestly, I can see how it will help the people in the main office, and some of the data collection will make things slightly easier for me, but pretty much, this change doesn’t really change much for me. Considering the hype I had heard from the developers, I thought this was going to be something huge, but it’s not. At least not yet. Maybe they’ll get there eventually.

Basically, if you have ever shopped online, you can work this new version of the registration process. Again, probably a big improvement in the office, but not for my practical data manipulation. Oh well.

Then I got asked to stay and chat about a project that’s going on that involves some paper. Honestly, we haven’t figured out a way to deliver this project in a better format, since these are unique individuals, but the powers that be wanted me to figure out a way to use less paper. I’ve already reduced the mailing quite a bit. I don’t think they realize how I’ve been honing this mailing list for awhile. Then the discussion was whether or not I HAD to use letterhead. For some reason, letterhead seems to be a VERY pricey thing. I’m talking VERY PRICEY. I’m beginning to wonder if someone is gouging them if that’s truly how much they have to pay for 2 reams of paper and 2 boxes of envelopes. I mean, we are talking about a mailing of under 1000 people.

But the icing on the cake.. the thing that nibbled at what’s left of my brain… was one of the last things said to me. I recently had my review and I’m proud to say I got an excellent one. Glowing you might say. But what was mentioned to me was that now that I’m working there, money is so tight in the budget because I have a salary. I don’t think the person who said it was trying to be mean or purposefully wanted to make me feel bad, but anyone who knows me will know that I’d rather volunteer than haggle over money.To be told that now that I have a salary, they have to economize to afford to keep me just made my guts clench. Does that mean they are that close to having to cut me? Does that mean I won’t get the raise I should? (probably… but I’d rather have the job and not get the raise if it’s that bad) Still, I don’t like feeling like I’m a burden to anyone for anything.

Dunno… I guess I’ll just keep plugging away. At least the kids LOVED the cd I made for them. I’d prefer to deal with the kids any day of the week.. oh hey… I do!

Posted in Musings and Mutterings


I got home from work about 10:30 or so and sat down to answer some of the emails that come in after rehearsals. Someone always has a question about something! I’ve been pretty jazzed today, trying to get ahead of some of the paperwork that tends to steamroll me this time of the year and I’m psyched about some training I have to do tomorrow. (Oh how I hate the nervous butterflies I get!)

After the emails, I poked around at a few blogs I read and I wrote one for another place I post and FINALLY started to get sleepy. Bessie, the cat, had been in to “collect” me for bed at least three times by this point. She believes in a prompt bed time and will come pat my face while I’m typing if she doesn’t think I’m paying enough attention to her timing.

I decided that it was time for bed and went into my room with Bessie winding her way around my feet and meowing loudly. This is a little weird, because normally she shoots past me and leaps on the bed. When I turned on the light, I see what she’s been trying to tell me. She’s puked all over my bed. O. M. G. Don’t you just love it?

Grrr, so I go to get new bedding and make up a fresh and cozy place to lay my head and go into my bathroom to brush my teeth and do my nightly ablutions  and there, all over my formerly pristine white shower, are muddy puppy paw prints. Apparently, while Mommy was away at work, Bess felt my bed needed to be spruced up with puke and Piper, the dog, thought my shower needed the added accent of puppy prints.

I hadn’t planned on recleaning my room before I go to bed… sigh. Gotta love those furry children I have.

Bess has come back while I’ve been typing this. I guess it’s bed time since the boss is meowing in my face. G’nite!